Chapter 206 - Burn Tongguan

Very quickly, this slightly black Young Generals led his subordinates and headed upwards!

The attack this time was far more ferocious than the Liu Jiajia's. The slightly black Young Generals was actually at the forefront by himself, as the countless soldiers behind him all roared and rushed forward!

This Young Generals was none other than Zhang Jun! He was also one of the four generals of the Southern Song Dynasty, and was famous for Yue Fei and Han Shizhong! Different from Liu Guangshi, he was an existence that was truly talented! Historically, Zhang Jia Jun was known for being brutal! As long as Zhang Jun managed to find a spot, he would immediately order his soldiers to burn him down and loot him! If he lost the duel with the Nvzhen, then he would have nothing to say. If he won, then the citizens would definitely suffer from the poison! His army was much more tyrannical than the women's army!

"Charge!" Everyone follow me and charge! Once you enter the Guan Shan, you will be allowed to rob and rob for half a year! " Zhang Jun's voice spread throughout the entire battlefield!

His martial arts skills were exceptionally profound and when he was in the young generation of Western Army, he was only second to Han Shizhong!

"Emperor Xuanwu, you must die! You have insulted me back then, so I will definitely not let you off! " Zhang Jun gritted his teeth.

He abnormally hated Zhao Chen! Back then, outside the Xiangzhou City, he used his great army to attempt to kill Zhao Chen. In the end, it was Yue Fei who captured him alive.

One by one, his subordinates began climbing upwards!

Above them, the soldiers of the Imperial Guards pushed the ladder away from the city wall as they fired their arrows! Countless ladders were overturned and countless soldiers of the Zhang Jia Jun fell down while screaming!

"A frying pan!" Yang Zhong shouted loudly.

Instantly, countless amount of boiling oil was poured down! After the oil was poured down, the screams became even more intense. There were screams everywhere!

The catapult was set up as well. Huge rocks were constantly falling into the army and they were screaming in pain!

Zhang Jun was also on top of the cloud ladder, and when the arrows on top fell, he used the treasured swords in his hands to brush them away! At this moment, he was getting closer and closer to the top!

Just then, another arrow fell from above! This arrow brought with it a sharp wind sound that was exceptionally ear-piercing! Zhang Jun tried his best to deflect the arrow but he found it difficult! So the one who released this arrow was Yang Zhong!

Although Yang Zhong's martial arts was not as good as Zhang Jun's, he was still in the Innate Realm, so the arrow he shot out was naturally no trivial matter!

"Shoot this man to death first!" Yang Zhong roared, and the dozens of arrows on the city wall shot towards Zhang Jun!


Zhang Jun shouted out loud, the sword in his hand wielded together, and instantly blocked all the arrows! But very quickly, the second wave of dozens of arrows shot over again. Zhang Jun lost his balance and almost fell to the ground!

He did not dare to stay there any longer. With a cold harrumph, he scurried downwards!

The soldiers and soldiers above already knew that he was the enemy commander. Even after he had descended, the arrows still shot towards him in waves!

In the end, Zhang Jun had no choice but to completely retreat from the front!

Seeing Zhang Jun's pathetic state, Liu Guangshi's face revealed a happy expression!

His Liu Jiajia was unable to take down Tongguan, so he naturally did not wish for Zhang Jun's Zhang Jia Jun to beat him down!

Zhang Jun looked at the Tongguan in front of him, his expression extremely ugly!

Qin Gui came over to his side and asked: "General Zhang, are you alright?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, and said: "Lord Qin, this Tongguan is a world-famous danger! One man, one man, ten thousand men! Although we have an army of eight hundred thousand men, none of our weapons have been shipped here! "In this way, the losses are too great!"

Qin Gui asked: Then, what do you think we should do?

Zhang Jun sneered, and said: "Aren't there Sir Zong Ze's six hundred thousand troops behind us? These rebel soldiers did not have much ability, they could be used as meat shields! Let's let these six hundred thousand soldiers charge up and use up all of their energy to defend the city. When the sun rises, we will continue to attack the city! At that time, we will be able to take down the Tongguan in one go! "

Qin Gui thought for a moment, then said: "Alright! So be it! "

Qin Gui immediately went to find Zong Ze, but with the eight hundred thousand army gathered here, their communication system was in chaos as well. It took a full hour for Qin Gui to find Zong Ze, so he immediately ordered Zong Ze to attack the city!

Zong Ze frowned, and said: "With Zhang Jia Jun, Liu Jiajia, why did they let the allied army attack the city? It's fine for these rebel soldiers to harass the food supply. However, I'm afraid that they will not be able to do so if we were to attack the city! "

Qin Gui said: "We do not need them to take down Tongguan! They only need to exhaust all the energy in the Tongguan army! "

Zong Ze immediately understood Qin Gui's meaning, he was stunned!

After a while, Zong Ze's face revealed a pained expression, and said: "Alright, let's do that!"

Zong Ze's prestige amongst the allied army was extremely high, and only he could command the allied army!

Immediately, Zhang Jia Jun and Liu Jiajia all retreated, and the allied armies began to attack Tongguan!

The leader of the allied army was none other than Wang Yan. Under Wang Yan's orders, the allied army headed upwards! The weapons of the rebel army were far inferior to those of the regular army. Many of them even held wooden sticks in their hands! How could they beat the Tongguan like this?

Yang Zhong immediately felt the change in attack, and thought for a moment, then said: Leaving five thousand people here, and the rest will rest immediately! I'm afraid there will be a great battle tomorrow morning! "

In the dark of the night, shouts of battle shook the sky. However, there were only 5,000 people left guarding the palace!

The five thousand men kept throwing rocks and arrows down, pushing the ladder to the clouds!

However, there were simply too many enemies. In the end, there were still enemies rushing towards them! Whenever someone rushed forward, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard would rush forward and push them down!

The night gradually passed, and the five thousand men up there were already exhausted to the extreme!

Just then, Zhang Jun once again led the Zhang Jia Jun to launch an attack!

At the location of the Tongguan's city gates, countless of soldiers were holding onto huge pieces of wood and were ramming into the city gates nonstop. Yang Zhong had no choice but to arrange for the soldiers to completely block the city gates.

On top of the city walls, there were already hundreds of Zhang Jia Jun soldiers rushing forward! These Zhang Jia Jun soldiers were very different from the Imperial Guard, they were far from being a match for the Imperial Guard! But Expeditionary soldiers had been exhausted all night, so it was hard to resist right now!

"Haha!" He had defeated the Tongguan! Very soon, he would be able to beat the Tongguan! Emperor Xuanwu, I want to capture you alive! " Zhang Jun laughed out loud!

However, his laughter did not last long as the Imperial Guards charged up from the back!

It was almost a cover that killed all the Zhang Jia Jun soldiers, causing Zhang Jun to retreat once again!

Yang Zhong immediately ordered Expeditionary soldiers, who had been fighting for an entire night, to rest. Right now, there were five thousand soldiers left on the city wall!

However, Zhang Jun's attacks never stopped. Not just the Zhang Jia Jun, the Liu Jiajia and the allied armies continued to attack from above.

They did not stop at all!

People kept rushing forward, and people in the Expeditionary soldiers were dying!

It was already afternoon and the Expeditionary soldiers's losses were too great. The Expeditionary soldiers s who had already rested had no choice but to rush up to take up their positions!

"How many of us are left?" Yang Zhong asked anxiously after killing one of the enemies that was rushing towards him.

"Seven thousand more!" "However, General, our soldiers are too tired!" A Academy Officer said. This Academy Officer's face was also filled with anxiety!

"No matter how tired I am, I still have to continue!" Tongguan is still a distance away from Chang'an, we must give him sufficient time! We have to hold on here, even if it's just one person, we have to fight! We need to make sure that His Majesty is able to go to a safe place and that Chang An has a proper reaction! " Yang Zhong clenched his teeth and said.

"Yes!" Brothers, all of you understand this principle! We brothers all have the thought of sacrificing our lives for our country! " Academy Officer said.

"Alright!" Yang Zhong laughed out loud, he had already killed another enemy who was rushing forward!

"Kill!" Yang Zhong shouted loudly, and the soldiers behind him all followed him and shouted!

In the end, the entire city wall was filled with the sound of "Kill!"

A new wave of attack from the enemy army was launched!

They had an army of eight hundred thousand men, and each wave was a force to be reckoned with!

"Kill!" "Kill, kill, kill, kill!" The city walls were filled with these sounds!

A day's time had passed!

It was already dusk, Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi had organized a new wave of attacks, this time they were shooting from below, the arrows did not have much strength left, they were only urging their own soldiers to move forward, if their own soldiers fell behind, they would immediately shoot those soldiers to death!

"Charge!" All of you, charge forward! I do not believe that I will not be able to defeat Tongguan City! " Zhang Jun said in his heart with extreme depression!

Their eight hundred thousand strong army hadn't stopped for a single moment since last night! The Tongguan's army up there looked like they only had ten thousand people, but they were still unable to take them down. This caused Zhang Jun to feel extremely humiliated! In his view, the Jin Army was indeed strong, and the women could not be compared to him. It was normal that they could not defeat the Jin Army, but as both of them were Chinese, it was hard to believe that they could not defeat the other party!

"Wang Yan, get your men to charge up there as well! Do not stay here for even a moment, you must take down Tongguan! " Qin Gui found Wang Yan and asked.

Wang Yan nodded!

This time, the number of Liu Jiajia, Zhang Jia Jun, and the number of allied armies had already exceeded five thousand! And these five thousand people were basically the strong ones!

Expeditionary soldiers was already exhausted to the extreme, many people had difficulty raising their arms!

"Kill!" He had to kill them all! He had to chase them all down! They could not let them take the Tongguan! "Soldiers, form a square formation and chase them away!" Yang Zhong was also extremely exhausted, and he shouted loudly!

The Expeditionary soldiers above had formed a tiny square formation based on daily training, with only a little more than a dozen people forming a small square formation! They cooperated and supported each other!

"You can't fall down! I must not fall down! "He wants to kill the enemy!" A Expeditionary soldiers in front of him had blood all over his face. One of his arms was already broken, and he couldn't hold on any longer, but he still struggled to move forward. He let the enemy's weapon pierce into his body, and then he stabbed the blade in his hand into the enemy's stomach!

The enemy could not believe it. He fell on the ground, bleeding so much that he could barely stand up. However, he still crawled forward and once again hacked down on another enemy's calf!

The enemy fell to the ground, screaming in pain. He kept moving forward, but he bled too much. Gradually, his face turned paler and paler, and he could no longer hold on!

"Is he dying? Sacrifice for the country! No! Hold on a bit longer, kill another enemy! He had to die at least for a bit! "Ah …" He roared out furiously and lunged toward the back of an enemy who was in front of him!

At this moment, he had no idea where he got the strength from, but he had managed to force this enemy to the ground, while his comrades suddenly killed this enemy! However, he had already lost his breath, and a pure smile hung on his face!

On the battlefield, this kind of thing happened everywhere!

The army of eight hundred thousand was still charging forward!

was also injured, he suddenly saw that there was a trace of light in the distance, and a smile appeared on his face!

"Tongguan, even if we burn them down, we can't let you have them! "There are a lot of weapons and supplies here. All of them will be burned!" He thought to himself.

"Brothers!" The final moment had come! He had to delay them, he had to stop them! Let them die together with us in Tongguan City! " Yang Zhong suddenly laughed out loud.

After he said that, the Imperial Guards on top of the city walls immediately understood what Yang Zhong meant! They knew that the time to burn their Tongguan had come. By then, even if they had to die in the sea of fire, the enemies that they had bound would also die in the sea of fire!

Those soldiers of the Liu Jiajia, Zhang Jia Jun and the Allied Army wanted to retreat, but the soldiers of the Imperial Guard tightly held onto them, not allowing them to leave!

"This is bad!" Hurry and get out of here! " Qin Gui turned pale with fright when he saw the situation in Tongguan!

"We have already ordered a retreat! It's just that the subordinates of the Emperor Xuanwu are very troublesome, now they are trying their best to push us down the cloud ladder, they can't even go down with our soldiers! " Liu Guangshi said.

"Open the gate!" Qin Gui said.

"The city gates are also on fire!" Liu Guangshi said.

"How could this be? How many of us are up there? " Qin Gui said.

"There are at least forty to fifty thousand people here!" Liu Guangshi said.

"Damn it!" Qin Gui scolded.

The entire Tongguan City was engulfed in flames and miserable screams could be heard from all directions! Occasionally, one could hear the sounds of laughter that came from the soldiers of the Imperial Guard before they died. Yang Zhong's body was already on fire, his entire body was in pain, but he was still tightly hugging onto one of the generals, who was constantly struggling, unfortunately, he could not break free!

"I'm going to die!" You will die with me! " Yang Zhong's laughter reached all the way to the bottom of Tongguan!

Qin Gui, Liu Guangshi and the rest were standing there, not knowing what to do! They were here for the war. There was no way to extinguish the fire! Moreover, there were too many rations and supplies stored in Tongguan City. Once they were ignited, they could not be extinguished!

From late at night until dawn, the fire continued to burn without end.

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